

The University is accepting applications for admission to the Laurea Magistrale degree program in Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning and Policy Development ( Degree type LM48).

  • Available spots for EU and non-EU citizens as per art. 26 of Law 189/2002: 1

  • Available spots for EU and non-EU citizens residing abroad: 6 (3 of which reserved for Chinese nationals)

The admission request must be submitted between November 18th, 2020 to December 3d, 2020 by following the online procedure. Once registered, applicants should login and click on menu → segreteria → concorsi di ammissione  (menu→registar’s office→call for admissions) and select concorso di ammissione al Corso di LM in Pianificazione e politiche per la città, l’ambiente e il paesaggio (call for admissions to the LM program in urban, environmental and landscape planning and policy development).

Admission application requests carry a 30 Euro fee, payable through electronic means listed in PagoPA.


The University will not send any bill payment form to students.

The fee is non-reimbursable and must be paid by December 3d, 2020.


Students who register for the laurea magistrale program can opt for the following alternatives: 

a) Local program : students attend 3 trimesters of coursework (2 during the first year and 1 during the second year) and 1 semester of internship. The coursework is entirely taught at the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (DADU) in Alghero. Internships are compelted at DADU-approved sites.  

b) International, multi-university program designed in collaboration with UniversitatAutònoma de Barcelona (Spain), Universidade Tècnica de Lisboa (Portugal) and Universitat de Girona (Spain).  This is a European Masters program which students attend at DADU for the first year (with the same coursework and modules as the local program) and then continue abroad for the first semester of the second year at a partner university in Barcelona (Spain), Lisbon (Portugal) or Girona (Spain). 

c) International program with double degree from the University of Carthage in Tunisia. Students attend courses at DADU for the first year (with the same coursework and modules as the local program), continue abroad for the first semester of the second year at a partner University (Ecole nationale d’architecture et d’urbanism, Carthage) and finish the second semester of year 2 with an internship at a partner university-approved site or back in Italy at a DADU-approved site. 

d)  International program with double degree from the School of Architecture at the University of Tianjin (China) . Students attend courses at DADU for the first year (with the same coursework and modules as the local program), attend the second year abroad at the partner institution (Tianjin University, School of Architecture) and conclude with an internship at a partner university-approved site.